Monday, May 31, 2010

Catching Fire

Suzanne Collins
Scholastic P, New York, 2009

Genres: Dystopia, Violence, Death, Adventure, Science Fiction, Love
Reading Level: Young Adult (14-18)
Pages: 391

This is the second book of the Hunger Games Series, and the plot is becoming even more intense and dangerous. Katniss has returned home after the games to find that nothing has changed: The capitol is still in control, her friends are starving, and she still hunts for food. But something has changed, and it's going to affect her life forever.

I'm raving about this book! I started it with high expectations because of the last book, but after the sixth chapter I couldn't put the book down. It delivered everything that I wanted in a good YA book, and it had some interesting twists along the way. I rate these two books along with Harry Potter for excellence. They recommend these books for ages 12 to 18, but I'm thinking that perhaps it's a little too intense for some younger kids. Other than that, It's just a great book for all ages.

Cautionary Note: Like the last book, they describe the death scenes. There's lots of action, drama, and suspense. I didn't notice any language though. This isn't a children's book.


Anonymous said...

This is definitely one of the best youth series I have ever read. I am waiting impatiently for the final installment.

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