Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Looking Glass Wars

Frank Beddor
Penguin, New York, 2006

Genres: Fantasy
Reading Level: Young Adult
Pages: 358

Young Alyss is heir to the Wonderland throne and her life is just great, until her evil aunt Redd invades the Kingdom. Fleeing for her life, Alyss falls through a mysterious pool that takes her to our world in the 1800s. Suddenly, life isn't as easy for the young princess as she struggles to survive and remember all that she has lost. Meanwhile, back in Wonderland Redd has overturned the peaceful kingdom, turning into warren of crime and suffering. Can Alyss return and retake what is rightfully hers?

This book was well written and gripping, though at times I felt that the author left out too much information. I liked the parody on the Alice in Wonderland characters, and I was especially impressed with Hatter Madigan, the real version of the Mad Hatter. It's not as well written as some YA fantasy that I've read in the past, but its a good read for all ages, and it teaches good morals.

Cautionary Note: There are scenes of violence and graphic blood. Redd likes to kill all of her opponents. There is also stealing, but other than that, it's really very clean.


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